Thursday, October 6, 2011

UC merger with CIT Cavoodle

Cavoodle Tri Color
Surely it’s the talk of all England.
Camellia’s dog (purchased Taralga).
The Government controls through money flow …taxes, stamp duty, approval fees, licensing, de-lice GST, death duty, establishment stipend, coffin tariffs, stud surcharge, hospitality excise, lemon levies.

The greater the flow, the more control Government has.

Without money it’s dangerous.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Graduation Day

The drum roll built to a rich crescendo as the Child King alighted from Daddy’s supercharged hotrod.
The doorman stood erect, astounded at the awesome presence of Her Highness.
·        Despotic
·        Reeking of feminine finery surrounding the
   essentially masculine nucleus
·        Pampered to the nth degree
·        Procreative largess
·        Seamless veneer of diplomatic delicacy

‘Our princess is coming. Princess Nunasa’


Princess Nunasa sits in front of personalized table setting.

‘Princess Nunasa’
‘I’ve been told you’d be coming’


‘I’m Nunasa. I’m the wife of the High Commissioner of Yidyré’


‘What do you do?’

Nunasa turns her back on writer, indicating immediately to attendants. Waiting attendants scuttle around Princess Nunasa. Speaking Yidyré, Nunasa asks attendants to introduce her to group of tweed dressed Chinese men.

Men giggle.
Men shuffle.
Men refuse Princess Nunasa’s request.

Nunasa returns to attendants continuing to eat and drink.

[Conversation at far end of table]
‘What’s with Nunasa?’
‘Obviously she’s a dominant queen.
She controls through obligation …intensely territorial’

Playwright disappears into crowd untwining herself from it all.

‘Who are you?’
‘Aren’t you Genevieve?’
‘Yes. I play the part of hero in my family’
‘Ok. You’re intensely territorial. Congratulations’

Toddler: ‘Who are you?’
Woman: ‘I’m a mother’
Father to toddler: ‘You’re so rude Daniel’
Mother walks with baby to father:
‘Amelia’s spitting blood. I’m going to chemist’

Father to Daniel: ‘Ok’
Daniel continues intrusive behaviour. 

‘Mum do I have obligations?’
‘Obligations. Why darling it’s spring!
…the marigolds. Aren’t they magnificent in their golden resplendence?
No dear. You have no obligations …none’
‘I’m a money making machine. What are you?’
‘I’m a money making machine catalyst’

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Lectern

The Lectern
It was great.
He compressed the lecture.
Tracer on picture window.
I played bubbly analyst.

His talk was right-wing mastery.
Sexual politics.
Judith Lucy – Australian Comedian (questionable)

He used scattershot.
Piece of research on sex.
The true academic – centre politics?
Rebel with a cause?
I bubbled with laughter and two perfect circles of red appeared, one on each cheek.

In those moments it was beautiful.
Eyes laughing.

Boyish charm.
He liked me even though he didn’t speak to me.
It’s been a while.
Dear man.
The Professor  Speechless

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Hunter

‘Yusi, do u want egg for breakfast?’
‘Ahhh.... Weet-bix please'
‘I’m having European breakfast in celebration of ‘The Hunter’
Yusi needs more carbohydrates.
He’ll have one egg to be sociable.

Quaker meeting:
Man in brown clothing stands to speak.
‘The animals do think’
I was in the desert and a dingo came and lay on top of me keeping me warm.
They came and killed the dingoes. It was shot.
I was given a cat.
This cat liked to be on my shoulders when I was at my computer.
It wouldn’t drink and died.
I had it for ten days.

'People don’t interest me any more.
I want as little as possible to do with them’
He sits down centre back of Quaker meeting room.
[Long silence]
Woman wearing khaki jacket, shirt dress and jeans stands to speak.
She sits down.

Next woman stands and says ‘Friends …’
At close of meeting khaki woman stands near sign-in table. 
She’d already filled in visitors book as man in brown walks to her.

‘I’m one of the prey oil-hunters are after.
They sneer and taunt over ecology’

‘I know about that – death threats’

‘You do?'
‘Yeah. I’m not afraid of them’
‘Australia exports iron ore and coal to Japan.
Fukushima Daiichi plant nuclear crisis will increase demand for Australian gas and thermal coal.
Everything is being dug from under the earth’s crust and converted into money’
Man nods, pauses ...then sotto voice:
‘What direction are you coming from?’
Dr Andrew Glikson
‘I don’t understand your question’

‘Academic or public service?'

‘It’s not like that.
My direction isn’t like that - photographer ...’

‘I understand  you don’t want to have anything to do with people.
I used to be like that’

[He listens]

‘I evolved …I developed away from people and evolved back into being with people’

Reflectively he says
‘I  do speak with people at the office,  travelling …my daughter …an amateur photographer’

The woman motions towards ‘visitor’s book’ moving into that space.
Sweepingly points saying

‘Here. I’ve written my address in the book. It’s there’
[She stops]
Looking at man in brown she continues
‘I’ve had such a blast over the past two years with photography’
You understand ‘blast’?
He nods again passing her a business card.
Woman scans card continuing

‘My work may be against your political values’
This man Andrew, with Jewish accent, moves closer into woman’s space saying
‘Why would you think that my values are …’

‘The earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago’

He passes from his wallet a second ANU card for her to write contact details.
She states she’s not on the phone.

‘You don’t carry a mobile?’
Silently she nods her head.
‘I’ve taken photographs of my work over the years’
Handling this polished hunter's contact details she moves away saying
‘Send me anything you want. I do read’

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Expansion and Sustainability vs Un-Sustainability

Expansion Sustainable
Excerpts from biography
Q: Besides designing the headline font “harry fat face“ and laying out the magazine, you also had massive influence on the overall visual style of the photography at Spludge.
A: We were very much “on the streets” at the time, in all ways. Both visually and editorially.
Rowings was up with all the best writers and all the women’s liberation people. They were arriving at the magazine.
They started shouting interest causes money to grow. That putting a price on money drives the expansion addicted economy.
The editors started shouting they could sustain anything with enough money.
…On the other hand, we created the fashion thing. The first issues contained no fashion. There was no big colour picture story.
My argument was that there should be something in the middle – red paper, or anything – that would draw readers’ attention. So that when you pick it up and flip through, you would see something.
Whether it would be fashion or a different topic every month it would be 12 pages of solid, double spread feeling.
The feeling of expansion and increasing control for the readership was pivotal.
Advertising was not that important in the beginning when it was being tested as a magazine.
But when it started to be successful, the interest of the publishing company that owned Spludge grew and they put it under pressure.
Spludge became a product in itself.
At the start it was all about trying to have more ideas, better ideas each time. Whereas at the end, when it collapsed, it had become restricted in its format and it was in need of finding advertising.
Q: It became more about maintaining status, rather than developing it further?
A: Yes I think so.
Q: From the design perspective, what was the most important element in Spludge?
A: Maybe the cover. It was very strong in the beginning.
We usually had a one-line heading and an illustration for it.
Very simple, very good, strong words, short, to the point and provocative.
Ultimately, all we did was driven by an obsession with sustainability.
Q: What happened to Spludge?
A: Zachary Rowings and I produced a book out of it. Spludge …it folded.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

‘Look there she is’
‘The female’
‘She’s an Amazon’
Amazon's Boots

‘They’re drunk on their gene pool’
‘The matrix has started up again’
     machines roaring
Drunk On Gene Pool

‘Sounds like Italy
‘Hey in your dreams pal’ 

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hanno:     'What about it?'

Leslie:      'They go into laager to starve the other person'
                   'Makin' money'

Hanno:     'Yeah ...and she's certainly not flourishing under him'

Leslie:      'Not at all'

Hanno:     'Hey ...that truck driver smiled as you crossed the street'

Leslie:      'Why?' 

Hanno:     'You look girlish'

Leslie:      'Girlish?'

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Joint Operation Head Quarters

Terrie: ‘What’s happened to the chaps?’
Todd:   ‘Oh that’
            ‘Yesterday the wood cutter was wearing them.
             For some odd reason he left the chaps behind. They’re in the wood shed'
            'Isn’t Peter Davidson peculiar?’
Terrie: ‘Peculiar? How?’
Todd:   ‘He met me a number of times last year. Last week
             he didn’t  recognize me. You know …
             the services guy …navy officer.
             He’s so zoned on religion he blanks out after 3 days’
Terrie:  ‘Such a bore’
              ‘A woman played a skit about the court food taster’
              ‘Peter walked into the kitchen and dredged all un
               sundry up to her level’
              ‘Can’t allow anyone to be special (except himself)’
Todd:   ‘That’s communism …”we’re all beautiful”
            ‘His son?’
            ‘Yeah …a yoga addict’
            ‘Yoga …we’re all beautiful yet again’
Terrie: ‘What happened to you Yusi?’
Yusi:    ‘Hmmph’
            ‘These people’
            ‘ …no discretion’
            ‘ Their violent calls smash through any
              and all sensible fence lines’

Friday, January 21, 2011

the quail HuNt


Poor woman. Lost husband to rain event.
Terrible horror.

‘There’s a fashion show in Melbourne. Shall we go?’
‘ Yep. Let’s travel with Wendy’

Wendy: …‘Mother do come to the show’
[Wendy moved in and out of the realm of saintliness in her purported wondrousness as mother, wife, humanistic light]
(They blew apart in the wink of an eye.
‘for better or for worse’ didn’t rank  on that catwalk)

Journeying south, past the horse paddocks we slow to a halt as a brood of ducks and ducklings crossed Coulter Drive.
‘I adore ducks’
The ducks crossed, we continued our trip.

Jopet's duck
Jopet  … at 11 months got a blue, white and red duck’
What a boy’

‘Remember Kez? She works for Dior’
‘She’s home with Rezzy …my first grandson …adorable, just born’
‘Let’s have quail, chestnuts and pavlova to celebrate our harmony’
‘What about a white?’
‘Wine and bubbly’
Kez Thumbnail