Thursday, January 27, 2011

Joint Operation Head Quarters

Terrie: ‘What’s happened to the chaps?’
Todd:   ‘Oh that’
            ‘Yesterday the wood cutter was wearing them.
             For some odd reason he left the chaps behind. They’re in the wood shed'
            'Isn’t Peter Davidson peculiar?’
Terrie: ‘Peculiar? How?’
Todd:   ‘He met me a number of times last year. Last week
             he didn’t  recognize me. You know …
             the services guy …navy officer.
             He’s so zoned on religion he blanks out after 3 days’
Terrie:  ‘Such a bore’
              ‘A woman played a skit about the court food taster’
              ‘Peter walked into the kitchen and dredged all un
               sundry up to her level’
              ‘Can’t allow anyone to be special (except himself)’
Todd:   ‘That’s communism …”we’re all beautiful”
            ‘His son?’
            ‘Yeah …a yoga addict’
            ‘Yoga …we’re all beautiful yet again’
Terrie: ‘What happened to you Yusi?’
Yusi:    ‘Hmmph’
            ‘These people’
            ‘ …no discretion’
            ‘ Their violent calls smash through any
              and all sensible fence lines’

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