Friday, January 14, 2011

Golden Gate Bridge, Andrew Barr rides wave

Tuppyjog:      ‘Oh thanks for bringing that around’
James:             ‘Be good’ [looking at Dad drooling over his Peugeot]
Tuppyjog:      ‘Ah well I suppose he can try ha ha ha ha'
                                                          [James motors away on social high]

Bridie:             ‘What is it Mum’

Tuppyjog:       ‘Interactive blowup robot’

Bridie:            ‘What’s his name’
Tuppyjog:      ‘Blowbot’  
                                  [Blowup is whacked excitedly into birdcage]
Andrew Barr
Later in the day:

‘Bridie …ring Dad’
Bridie:             ‘Hi Dad …Mum phone’ [shoves phone in Mum’s face]

Tuppyjog :     ‘…Blowin’s coming tomorrow …4:30’
‘wipe cage’
                       ‘blowup robot’
Dad:                ‘Yes Ma’am anything …else?’
Tuppyjog:      ‘Clean your teeth’

Next day:

Sound of heavy engine hearalds …The Blow-in Blowhole BlowFly.

Tuppyjog:      ‘Thanks for bringing that around’  putting it on kitchen countertop.
General consensus of neighbourhood trying hard not to choke:
…..Pheww.                         [Blowfly motors away in deep burble to pickup special order hydraulic lifters direct from San-Francisco] 

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