Friday, January 21, 2011

the quail HuNt


Poor woman. Lost husband to rain event.
Terrible horror.

‘There’s a fashion show in Melbourne. Shall we go?’
‘ Yep. Let’s travel with Wendy’

Wendy: …‘Mother do come to the show’
[Wendy moved in and out of the realm of saintliness in her purported wondrousness as mother, wife, humanistic light]
(They blew apart in the wink of an eye.
‘for better or for worse’ didn’t rank  on that catwalk)

Journeying south, past the horse paddocks we slow to a halt as a brood of ducks and ducklings crossed Coulter Drive.
‘I adore ducks’
The ducks crossed, we continued our trip.

Jopet's duck
Jopet  … at 11 months got a blue, white and red duck’
What a boy’

‘Remember Kez? She works for Dior’
‘She’s home with Rezzy …my first grandson …adorable, just born’
‘Let’s have quail, chestnuts and pavlova to celebrate our harmony’
‘What about a white?’
‘Wine and bubbly’
Kez Thumbnail

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