Thursday, January 6, 2011

LOVE InFestation

Philly Alhadji
Nurse under self imposed temporary house arrest.
Local Canberra nurse 'Fila-Blanc' is under house arrest, caught on security camera chain smoking whilst grimacing compulsively over her personalised signature dildo.
Ms Alhadji is the mother of two daughters and partner to freewheeler Mr Walker (Capt’n Hore)
Ms Alhadji (58) is presently employed by Dr Roan.
He states he has no issue with her out of hours activities and is a marvel to his private doctors’ practice.
Philly Alhadji (Governor Dildo) gave detail description of corporate units pertaining to her present circumstance:
Unit 1 coercing & reinforcing love designs on man with hole in heart.
Unit 2 sharing love cigarette.
Unit 4 met in Brighton gave birth to heavy weight champion daughter. 
Unit 5 had deep motor vehicle interactions with Alfa Romeo car guru.
Unit 6 met under starry night German skies in Auckland.
Unit 7 reappearance of heavy weight champion gave birth to son.
Unit 8 met celebrity in gang cover-up.

DisinFect before USE

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