Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hanno:     'What about it?'

Leslie:      'They go into laager to starve the other person'
                   'Makin' money'

Hanno:     'Yeah ...and she's certainly not flourishing under him'

Leslie:      'Not at all'

Hanno:     'Hey ...that truck driver smiled as you crossed the street'

Leslie:      'Why?' 

Hanno:     'You look girlish'

Leslie:      'Girlish?'

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Joint Operation Head Quarters

Terrie: ‘What’s happened to the chaps?’
Todd:   ‘Oh that’
            ‘Yesterday the wood cutter was wearing them.
             For some odd reason he left the chaps behind. They’re in the wood shed'
            'Isn’t Peter Davidson peculiar?’
Terrie: ‘Peculiar? How?’
Todd:   ‘He met me a number of times last year. Last week
             he didn’t  recognize me. You know …
             the services guy …navy officer.
             He’s so zoned on religion he blanks out after 3 days’
Terrie:  ‘Such a bore’
              ‘A woman played a skit about the court food taster’
              ‘Peter walked into the kitchen and dredged all un
               sundry up to her level’
              ‘Can’t allow anyone to be special (except himself)’
Todd:   ‘That’s communism …”we’re all beautiful”
            ‘His son?’
            ‘Yeah …a yoga addict’
            ‘Yoga …we’re all beautiful yet again’
Terrie: ‘What happened to you Yusi?’
Yusi:    ‘Hmmph’
            ‘These people’
            ‘ …no discretion’
            ‘ Their violent calls smash through any
              and all sensible fence lines’

Friday, January 21, 2011

the quail HuNt


Poor woman. Lost husband to rain event.
Terrible horror.

‘There’s a fashion show in Melbourne. Shall we go?’
‘ Yep. Let’s travel with Wendy’

Wendy: …‘Mother do come to the show’
[Wendy moved in and out of the realm of saintliness in her purported wondrousness as mother, wife, humanistic light]
(They blew apart in the wink of an eye.
‘for better or for worse’ didn’t rank  on that catwalk)

Journeying south, past the horse paddocks we slow to a halt as a brood of ducks and ducklings crossed Coulter Drive.
‘I adore ducks’
The ducks crossed, we continued our trip.

Jopet's duck
Jopet  … at 11 months got a blue, white and red duck’
What a boy’

‘Remember Kez? She works for Dior’
‘She’s home with Rezzy …my first grandson …adorable, just born’
‘Let’s have quail, chestnuts and pavlova to celebrate our harmony’
‘What about a white?’
‘Wine and bubbly’
Kez Thumbnail

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Metropolitan Museum NYC

The Razor Wire Gang
‘Razor Wire Gang?’
‘What about defence strategy?’

Freedom of movement is important.
Cut the ribbon.
Nurture and freedom.
I’ll  write …
Dearest Peea
Wonderful. Marvellous.
     Hurrah! Hurrah!
From Yumi

‘Is freedom of movement incorporated into defence strategy?’

Freedom of movement.
Now what?
‘Is that the only family social event you’ve been to?’

On Vacation

Friday, January 14, 2011

Golden Gate Bridge, Andrew Barr rides wave

Tuppyjog:      ‘Oh thanks for bringing that around’
James:             ‘Be good’ [looking at Dad drooling over his Peugeot]
Tuppyjog:      ‘Ah well I suppose he can try ha ha ha ha'
                                                          [James motors away on social high]

Bridie:             ‘What is it Mum’

Tuppyjog:       ‘Interactive blowup robot’

Bridie:            ‘What’s his name’
Tuppyjog:      ‘Blowbot’  
                                  [Blowup is whacked excitedly into birdcage]
Andrew Barr
Later in the day:

‘Bridie …ring Dad’
Bridie:             ‘Hi Dad …Mum phone’ [shoves phone in Mum’s face]

Tuppyjog :     ‘…Blowin’s coming tomorrow …4:30’
‘wipe cage’
                       ‘blowup robot’
Dad:                ‘Yes Ma’am anything …else?’
Tuppyjog:      ‘Clean your teeth’

Next day:

Sound of heavy engine hearalds …The Blow-in Blowhole BlowFly.

Tuppyjog:      ‘Thanks for bringing that around’  putting it on kitchen countertop.
General consensus of neighbourhood trying hard not to choke:
…..Pheww.                         [Blowfly motors away in deep burble to pickup special order hydraulic lifters direct from San-Francisco] 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2011

Louis Vuitton - POP Marketing

Dear Ms
Thank you for your email.
We are sorry to hear of the unpleasant encounter and disappointment that you have experienced.

Andy Warhol NYC 1986

We thank you for taking the time to highlight this incident to us as your comments would help us in our continuous efforts to improve. Be assured that we have forwarded your email to the store concerned and they will revert to you.
We seek for your kind understanding and hope to have the pleasure of serving you in our store soon.
Yours sincerely
Michelle Koh
Customer Service Center
Louis Vuitton Oceania


> Visit

Monday, January 10, 2011


‘Good for you Lemon. A real little industry there.’ 
‘Yeah. It’s great.’

‘Sorry about being rigid.’ 
‘Oh that’s because …’
‘Hello there boy. Hi.’
‘…we’re going for a walk.’ 
Degas, National Gallery of Australia


‘Startling originality she reconciled with exquisite craftsmanship’
‘evaluation places her among the immortals of voice by reason of her insight into the secret places of the heart’

No! No!
Not enough
‘classic purity’

Have you heard my accents?
Don’t understand accents.

Tinkle Ha Ha Plash.
I tweak accents.

Was it you with a French accent when Josephine walked out of the store without paying?
Cash for the jeans …what is it with Josephine …

Josephine wearing stolen jeans

Must be Marseille.
No it’s Gungahlin.
Public servant husband …couple in purple …

On the surface it sounds like the perfect man;
…the perfect professional.

What will I do with the literature?

 …wow a hip flask …
That’s very generous.
…publish. Aha.


Saturday, January 8, 2011


Didn’t you know that the genesis of my fame was in trivia?
I’d no idea.
Now you know.
And so it was …once upon a time there was a prince …no that isn’t correct.
He’s a pop star with hens, a caravan and a fascination with transport.

Yes him. The greenie!
Very funny.
A greenie that is generally never here. 
What are you talking about?
He’s never here …gets posted out to dominions throughout the world.
You mean that he does a stint here and a stint there.
Exactly. He polices the globe.
With what?
Transport and world-wide coverage surveillance cameras running face recognition to detect anyone with illegal thoughts.
Didn’t he get written out of history?
Yeah sure but big brother’s still selling weather control to sex-addicted automatons.
It’s the new enemy now that Russia’s knelt to Uncle Sam.
Humongous energy for all the cameras and face recognition processing
…all that heat and water vapour if they’re still going for it with combustibles
…fantastic fuel for mega hurricanes.
So there’ll be lovers of big brother in the mega bunkers and control rooms …stupendous structural strength.
…and those who disagree left outside in the wind.
Is anyone in the know on micro-climate?
Shhhh …that’s top secret.
Pacts with Gaia are considered subversion events.
Who is it that manipulates the weather with violins? 
That’s …
Salesperson Name Michelle 62035
SML 49983 BEI M                             425.00
WLJWOOOO817 BEI M                   295.00
JOELLA BEI 12                                   795.00
GST @ 10% AMOUNT 137.73
Total                                                $1515.00
Cash                                                 $1520.00
Cash Change                                         $5.00
Store: 6301    Reg: 002         Tran: 001641
Salesperson: MICHELLE 62035
Date:                           Time: 09:52:50

Burberry Pacific Pty Ltd.
ABN 90 098 381 161

Friday, January 7, 2011

the matchmakers daughter

Suburban home
If the shoe doesn’t fit, dump it. She follows her father’s footsteps in leaps and bounds as the local matchmaking artist. 
Claire, sanitized artist with love heart cutting cookie, imprints on divine kitchen bench. Indeed thematchmakersdaughter knows all about love …married to Brian with two gorgeous adorable children living in the city.
‘You have to have a little spark’ she says. Indeed, a little spark of what …
‘A good kind gentle caring generous person and treats you right, then you can’t go too far wrong’ she concludes. Wow, that’s one for the books riding on the back of ...hmm ...giants.
As a matter of fact matchmakersdaughter’s ideology is babies.

sanitized artist [Claire Daly]
  …'just shove any two together, male and female …they’ve been told we do it by computer so we can’t be blamed when there are resentments between the couples'  Next year charge $180.  …As if we give a damn about them.
Let them sort it out for themselves.

Lets see where’s the venue?
What policy shall we use?
How many policy statements do we have?

…No. Tonight it’s Farmer’s Bin. Then to McNally’s.
Shut doors 10.00pm
$120 per form?
The magic of thematchmakersdaughter
'Daddy do be a dear and build the pergola for me.
Brian won’t mind.
What about a veranda Dad?'
The car. ‘Oh, you did’ she exclaims.

What a fine heifer. What’s that Friesian or Hereford? Hereford with calf.
I’ll pay $11000 for her.
There’s Jim’s Hereford …Not as good …hmm I’ll pay $7000 with calf.
Too bad.

I soon realised he has his own way of doing things
Oh, here‘s Bluebell…isn’t she splendid. How much for her? I thought … Bluebell. Isn’t that Bluebell?
Time lapse
Bluebell. No Bluebell  …nobody gives a damn about Bluebell anymore.
She’s dead. 
Yes. Dead. How much did Bluebell get paid?
15 pounds per week. No bonus. No holiday salary. No sick leave entitlements. She was part-time.
What are you talking about …she was a cow with calf.
I know that.
Part-time in the meadow.
She was shifting population.
Nobody had a handle on her as she was shifted from meadow to meadow.
What happened to her anyhow?
It was a Sunday …raining …the embankment of the field gave way Bluebell fell into the ditch and broke her neck.
What’s the catch cry? This is an animal not a human being.
Expression is -
‘This is not an animal it’s a human being’

Hmmm entertaining.
It’s consummate ease.
Claire, what has happened to your children? You don’t say …you’re not going to pay them damages for the life you created for them. You’re not interested in them …what?
I know a cat.

ColoUr To His Life

Where is the in house pop star?
Oh. There you are.

I got famous on law, smut and the ridiculous.
What about this? …
Vanity, prejudice and naturally a street scene.
1. Do you remember me?
2. Yes.
3. I do indeed.

3. And how is she? Is she well?
1. Very well.
I’m so glad Jane Austen, Darcy and Elizabeth have been wiped (1813)
It's so very much better in real life (2011)
Kiss, kiss 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

LOVE InFestation

Philly Alhadji
Nurse under self imposed temporary house arrest.
Local Canberra nurse 'Fila-Blanc' is under house arrest, caught on security camera chain smoking whilst grimacing compulsively over her personalised signature dildo.
Ms Alhadji is the mother of two daughters and partner to freewheeler Mr Walker (Capt’n Hore)
Ms Alhadji (58) is presently employed by Dr Roan.
He states he has no issue with her out of hours activities and is a marvel to his private doctors’ practice.
Philly Alhadji (Governor Dildo) gave detail description of corporate units pertaining to her present circumstance:
Unit 1 coercing & reinforcing love designs on man with hole in heart.
Unit 2 sharing love cigarette.
Unit 4 met in Brighton gave birth to heavy weight champion daughter. 
Unit 5 had deep motor vehicle interactions with Alfa Romeo car guru.
Unit 6 met under starry night German skies in Auckland.
Unit 7 reappearance of heavy weight champion gave birth to son.
Unit 8 met celebrity in gang cover-up.

DisinFect before USE

Western Wall

Agent Retia Cetus (ARC)
awaits heat-seal roller crew for electro plate pop art, Canberra Centre Wailing Wall.
Management advises that due to unprecedented grief, the immediate decade has been booked wall to wall.
For those who wish to wail, bookings are now being taken for 2022.

Get Hooked On Bling

Dear Jeannie,
This year I received a ‘lovely Canberra’ card from Japan, mixed with Japanese ideological art of cherry blossom and butterflies.
Recently had coffee with a mother and teenage daughter Sarah. As we were walking by the bling department of David Jones, Sarah said ‘she’s the most popular girl in the school’

Catherine's lips

Catherine’s (her Mom) lips remained tightly sealed.
Whoops. Oh dear.
What do you do with such a statement?
Is this the call of jealously?
Do I have another scene for a play?
Now what was that inscription!

‘You have a really nice voice and isn’t it wonderful singing carols at this time of year.
My very best wishes to you for a healthy and happy New Year –
            from Jeannie’
Retailer: ‘I’m serving her now’  
Customer: ‘I’ll take these. I’m a playwright. I wrote …’

Retailer: ‘That sounds beautiful’
David Jones - Bling
Playwright: ‘Isn’t that great dear’ 
Dog wash proprietor: ‘Terrific’
Playwright: ‘Won Blog award 2010’
Dog wash proprietor: [Pause]
Grits teeth.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Night Of The Long Kiss

Qinjia sitting at desk writing.
Dearest Baran,
I haven’t forgotten. The dream.
Dream …Huh.
Qinjia continues thinking.
Baran …a letter …a dream. What about
‘The twinkling lights of a colony’
Naturally we live in a regime.
Oh dear. This isn’t going very far.
She moves from desk.
Baran, I don’t know what happened to ‘The Night Of The Long Kiss’
Do you?
Baran climbs into bed. Immediately his breathing becomes heavy in sleep. During the night Baran wakes to the sounds of a cat fight. Reaching over he presses his lips onto Qinjia giving her a long kiss.

Kicking Arse in Business (Part 2)

She sets up and milks the local scene for whatever she can get out of it …all self. And when she’s milked it dry and people realize she’s all self and stop coming she packs up and sets up somewhere new where nobody knows her. As a business woman she’s inept because she doesn’t establish local community. Consequently in tough times no ones going to stand by her in the community because she’s contributed nothing. Hence one could say by this definition her business is unstable even though she may be making plenty of paper money from one scene of confidence trickery to the next.
These types of businesses generally are limited to a certain low ceiling of global success because the word does get around that the proprietors are fundamentally selfish anti-community individuals.